mommacast #77-Girl Boner with August

So as a lot of you know I am a podcast junkie and recently deep into learning about sexuality. So this led me to search for podcasts related towards this subject.  What came up what I was searching but Girl Boner Radio.

A very intriguing name for a show, I had to listen, but i didn’t just listen, i had a binge session on her show and from there I had to get her attention, and success! I did!

So who is this chick August?

August McLaughlin is an award-winning, nationally recognized health and sexuality writer and host and creator of Girl Boner®. Her work appears in DAME Magazine, the Huffington Post,, The Good Men Project and more. Kirkus Reviews called her first novel, In Her Shadow, “an engaging story with an inventive structure and an intriguing focus on body-image issues.” Her latest book, Embraceable: Empowering Facts and True Stories About Women’s Sexuality, is a celebration of women’s sensuality. Each week on Girl Boner® Radio, she interviews relationship experts, celebs and more, exploring women’s lives and sexuality “like no one else.” Known for melding personal passion, artistry and activism, August uses her skills as a public speaker and journalist to inspire other women to embrace their bodies and selves, making way for fuller, more authentic lives. Learn more here:

I just loved talking to August,listen in to her interview below


xoxo, laurenjean

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